Ima Wasemann
“So our main work project [in Cambodia] was we were building a pavement area around one of the schools. You dumped a whole bunch of sand on the ground and then you have these little hexagon cement things you have to hammer in, so that was our main project every day. It was super hot, we’re sweating, I have blisters all over my hands and it was really hard work, but then all of a sudden, the bell rings for the classrooms and all the kids ran out and these arms wrapped themselves around me. This little girl just comes and sits in my lap and it was the cutest thing. One of the things that we teach them in the classroom is the difference between, ‘There is one flower. There are two flowers’ and things like that. She shows me her backpack that has flowers on it and is like, ‘One, two, three,’ and she starts counting in English showing me her English and it’s the only English she knows, but she’s so proud and it was so cute. It totally made my day!”