New Advertisements Placed Around the School

In the cafeteria, students can find two Dasani advertisements on columns.

New advertisements in the cafeteria, main gym and football field have been placed in order for the school to earn money as well as for the Chartwells food company to promote their new app.

There are three different types of advertisements: Powerade’s “Power Your School” campaign, Coca-Cola’s promotion of its drink brand and also promotions for the Chartwells’s Nutrislice and My School Bucks apps.

Powerade donated $500 to school so they would hang the advertisements for “Power Your School,” according to interim Athletic Director Mr. John Fischl. “Power Your School” is a promotion to get students to submit a video or essay about why their school athletics are the best. If a school wins, it would be one of 500 schools nationwide to get $2,000 from Powerade. Powerade paid the school to hang posters in the football field entrance, cafeteria and the main gym to encourage students to send in a submission.

Another new addition to the lunchroom walls were the new Coca-Cola advertisements. They are located on some pillars and walls near the food lines and vending machines. According to Mr. Daniel Lyon, the food service director for the school, they were put there “hopefully to boost sales and also… [so the school] can also become number one” in the high-school level for Coke sales in the Chicagoland area.

Mara Gregory, a sophomore, eats next to one of the advertisements and believes that while the ads are fun to look at, they do not convince her to buy a Coke or Coke products most of the time, unless she is in need of a water bottle. The people at Mara’s lunch table agreed with her opinion.

Gilbert Ferguson, another sophomore, said that “[the ads] seem like they have no planning.” He, like others, believes that the advertisements do not sway him towards buying a Coke product.

Another advertisement in the cafeteria is from Chartwells, the school’s food service, for their two apps. They have given out phone sticker wallets and stickers to promote their My School Bucks and Nutrislice apps.

The My School Bucks app is “for students to put money on their account so there’s less paper money,” Mr. Lyon stated. The Nutrislice app is to find out what food is on the menu for lunch in the cafeteria.

Mr. Lyon also said that the Nutrislice app has a tool where “there is a button you can click and it will put up the top eight food allergies and you can click on which one you are allergic to, and it will strike everything with that ingredient.”