ACE is no longer a club, replaced by Life of a Wildcat
Photo Illustration by Dylan Trott
After the discontinuation of ACE, Life of a Wildcat now leads the direction of health and wellness at Libertyville.
Once a popular club, Athletes Committed to Excellence has now been erased entirely.
Prior to this school year, ACE previously provided a platform for athletes to stay healthy and achieve their potential. Now, Life of a Wildcat has taken over the direction that ACE worked toward. This change was made with the goal of allowing everyone, not just athletes, to pursue their passions, according to Dr. Brenda Nelson, the Prevention and Wellness Program Coordinator at LHS.
One of the driving factors of the change was the desire to include a larger variety of students at the school in a wellness-themed club. “I personally like the changes,” said senior Sarah Hoyer, a former member of ACE who is now a part of Life of a Wildcat. “I think there’s a better crowd, and it’s much more inclusive.”
With a larger pool of students to draw from, Life of a Wildcat has seen an increase in commitment and devotion to the group, according to Dr. Nelson. This, she said, is due to the positive peer support given by the larger group.
Alongside this, there is a more diverse group of students at every meeting. From Math Team members to football players to actors, Libertyville students are working together to fight against drinking and smoking, according to Dr. Nelson.
Originating in 2015 as a group of 20 seniors, Dr. Nelson has grown the group into a schoolwide organization. The group started with the idea to spread awareness on health and wellness in all aspects of life.
“The idea is not to be a club where people necessarily attend meetings but a way to bring clubs [and] sports teams together and try to get a widespread message,” said Dr. Nelson.
Dr. Nelson added, “The difference [between ACE and Life of a Wildcat] is that Life of a Wildcat is a more expansive message in terms of looking at health and lots of aspects that affect performance, and it also goes beyond athletics.”
Mr. Sean Ferrell, the former faculty adviser of ACE, did not respond to requests for comment.