Frosh With a Future
Ella Marsden and Savanna Winiecki
The Class of 2021 has many promising freshmen athletes who have already successfully begun their high school athletic careers.

Ethan Hansen
Ethan Hansen is a freshman who was part of LHS’s cross country team this fall. Despite being a freshman and a relatively new runner, his three years of experience are fewer than most upperclassmen, Hansen’s performance did not show this. He shaved off nearly a minute this year on his three-mile time, making his 19:44 minutes into 18:49 minutes. “Ethan is the fastest freshman on the roster...

Charlie McBride
Charlie McBride was a starting middle linebacker for the freshman A football team this fall. McBride moved to Libertyville in eighth grade from Georgia. During his first year in Libertyville, he played for Libertyville Boys Club and has been playing football since has was in second grade. “[Football] was something I grew up with. It’s big in the south, so it was all around, so I decided to t...

Peyton O’Brien
Peyton O’Brien was a member of the varsity volleyball team this fall as the starting setter. O’Brien took up volleyball in fourth grade and has continued competing since then. She also participates for Sky High Volleyball Club, which practices three days a week for three hours each. The LHS girls varsity volleyball team practices every day after school for three hours as well. “[O’Brie...

Ella Bach
Ella Bach is one of four freshmen on varsity cheerleading for their fall and winter seasons. She’s had experience cheering in the past on a competitive team during sixth and seventh grade. Originally, Bach was not interested in focusing solely on cheerleading, but after trying lacrosse, soccer, basketball and swim, she decided that cheer was the sport for her. Bach has practice three days...

Alexandra Eastmond
Alexandra Eastmond was a freshman on LHS’s varsity swim team. She has been swimming for six years after her parents signed her up for swimming when she was 8 years old because her friend was signed up for swim too. However, according to Eastmond, “[she] wanted to quit on the first day. Over time, [she] fell in love with [swimming].” Eastmond swims for Patriot Aquatic Club along with ...

Lily VanDixhorn
Lily VanDixhorn competed on varsity tennis this past fall season. She comes from a family who plays tennis and owns their own tennis club, College Park Athletic Club in Deerfield. She started her athletic career young but didn’t begin competing until she was in fourth grade, where she focused only on tennis, no longer soccer and basketball. “I like the challenge of tennis because it is just you against...
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