Halloween at LHS is one of the most exciting days of the school year. Students and staff dress up as superheroes, movie characters, pop culture icons, and more. Whether you’re in your LST or the cafeteria, you’ll be shocked and amazed by the creative costumes you see walking down the hallways.
The senior girls at LHS provide a tradition to Halloween by dressing up like Joel Goodsen from Risky Business. This costume includes an over-sized white button down shirt, boxer shorts, and white socks. The vast majority of senior girls participate, while some put their own spin on this look by adding a scary element or different patterned boxers. While some girls try to change the tradition for their class, this look comes back every year.
The senior boys are quite the sight on Halloween. While on any other day you see a tall, broad-shouldered football player walking down the hallway, on Halloween you could see the same senior boy as a little old lady with a walker. With slippers, wigs, and nightgowns, you’re guaranteed to see at least one making their way down the halls. Lots of senior boys participate in this costume theme, some going as far as pushing themselves in wheelchairs. From traffic jams on the stairs to walking behind them in the hallways, students and staff appreciate the humor of this popular costume idea.
Staff members are always known to pull out some great group costumes, especially within their departments. This year, the science department dressed up as minions from the popular children’s movie series Despicable Me. The A-F LST members dressed up as foxes from the pop culture movement “What Does The Fox Say?” Students saw book characters and superheroes come to life in their classes, and took lots of pictures with their teachers.