Student Styles
Rachel Benner, Opinion Editor
Walking down the hallway, you might see a variety of clothing: sweatpants, overalls, jerseys, dresses, glasses, beanies, boots, and sneakers. Students might take fashion seriously — trying to say something with what they wear — or they might just be throwing on the first thing they see. Whatever they choose, a piece of clothing or an outfit can convey details of one’s personality in a way that’s difficult to express without it. Here are six students that have developed their own unique style.

Greta Dean, senior
“I would say [my style is] trendy, I guess. I love going with the trends, but I also love putting a spin on it. I think it's so fun to go outside the box because there are no limits with it … Obviously what you wear doesn’t define you, but it gives you confidence. I don't know if you can relate, but whenever you dress up, you feel better about yourself. Like I'm all for wearing sweatpants, but...

Luke Niemann, sophomore
“I kind of just wear whatever I think looks cool; I guess it fits in that ‘indie’ genre ...Initially, definitely my brother Max [was an inspiration]. I always grew up looking up to his style and trying to copy it, and then I kind of just did my own thing. Also skateboarders are another inspiration because I skate, and I see all these pro skaters and I try to dress like them...I get a lot of stuf...

Jay McClendon, senior
“I really like the ‘90s aesthetic, just like the neutral colors. Not like the ‘80s or the ‘70s where everything is bright and flamboyant, but kind of neutral, but still not something that people would normally wear today ... I think [fashion] is more of an important thing to me. I've always liked putting together outfits. Like sometimes, I joke around with my friends and I'll have 3 a.m. fa...

Ethan Neir, senior
“[My style is] very Canadian ... my style is I decided to wear hockey jerseys one day … It kind of feels like I'm an Inuit out in the middle of California. Sometimes [it’s] in the middle of August and it's 90 degrees, and I'm still wearing a jersey. But times like now, when it actually feels cold out, it's great. [This tradition] started [in] seventh grade. I did it halfway through sixth gr...

Emma Bleck, sophomore
“I feel like my siblings really inspire [my style] and my family in general. Because my family always inspired artistic sides and supported all the arts -- even though they knew my sister and I were STEM people -- they always supported doing art and dance and that kind of thing. And they all have their own style, so they kind of inspired me to have my own … I think [fashion] is something that’s...

Alex Tang, junior
“Well, I like to think that [my style] is kind of preppy, but also casual. You don't want to show up in a suit every day to school, but I think [my style is] not super casual but it's not over-the-top fancy … For the most part, [I care about what I wear], like that's what everyone's first impression of you is when they're first meeting you, so you want to represent yourself well. I kind of want t...
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