Resolutions are made by millions of people every year to symbolize the start of a new year.
Losing weight, drinking and smoking less, traveling, learning something new, saving money, and getting organized are all common resolutions that society seems to gravitate towards every year. People feel this certain sense of responsibility of wanting to do something new with their lives come time of the next new year.
However, what is the actual meaning of a resolution?
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a resolution is meant to be a decision or determination.
In my opinion, if people want to make a decision or determination to change something new in their lives, why wait until the new year?
Many people wait until the new year to make resolutions because the thought of the new year brings rejuvenation to our society. The thought of the new year makes people want to start all over and be a part of something unfamiliar to them.
However, each person that makes a new year’s resolution cannot typically follow through with the goal they are setting.
Every year, people tend to forget about their new year’s resolutions after a week or so. A study done by Forbes Magazine stated that only 8% of people achieve their resolutions.
Why do we tend to forget about our resolutions?
Most of the time people cannot or will not make time for these goals or decisions that they are setting. Nor will they actually get up and take part in these goals. Other times, most people get discouraged or feel as if none of the goals they make are attainable or reachable. An estimate, done by Forbes Magazine, said that about 75% of people keep their resolution for a week. After about six months, only 46% of people keep their resolutions.
AP and Honors U.S. History teacher Andrea Lara spoke about why many people tend to get discouraged when it comes to following through with new year’s resolutions.
“Life seems to get in the way sometimes. We are all so busy with certain things in our lives that it’s harder to maintain and keep our goals. For me specifically, my teaching keeps me busy.”
One resolution that Ms. Lara has had for the past ten years has always meant something to her every year: “I’ve been meaning to get most of my photos organized. Every year I tell myself that I will get them organized but then I never have the time to make it happen. And it really means a lot to me because most of the are photos of my family.”
Whether it be resolutions that you’ve kept for years or resolutions that you’ve made yesterday, people always tend to not have time to fulfill them.
Technologists have created new apps for people to continue with their new year’s resolutions. Reporter and producer Victor Luckerson from TIME Magazine says that there are thousands of self-help apps such as Duolingo, Nike+ Running, and Codeacademy to keep people determined to continue with their new year’s resolutions.
In today’s day and age, many people can finally keep on track with their new year’s resolutions. However, why wait until the new year to make your new year’s resolutions happen? Anyone at any time of the year can make a decision or determination throughout their life to change anything.