Though many students know the building well, LHS has several areas that students rarely, or in some cases, never see. This photo essay explores some of these areas, ranging from a behind-the-scenes look at LHS’s theater productions to essential building and grounds areas.
The control booth above the auditorium is home to much of the technology behind LHS’s theater productions. Positioned directly above the balcony, students running lights and sound have the ability to see the entire stage and make sure everything is working smoothly. (Lily Hieronymus )The catwalk above the auditorium stage gives crew members access to spotlights and other special effects. Its high vantage point allows them to spot any technical difficulties and execute the effects as planned. (Lily Hieronymus )Backstage of the auditorium, crew members use these ropes to control lights and larger set pieces. The pieces are attached to the ropes and stored above the stage, where crew members can then use the ropes to raise and lower them as needed. (Lily Hieronymus )In compliance with Covid regulations, this year’s musical, “Shrek,” is being pre-recorded and released as a film rather than being performed live. The cast has recorded the musical in its entirety over the past few weeks, grouping together scenes with similar sets and characters rather than running the show in chronological order. Wildcat Productions has a designated editing space, pictured above, underneath the catwalk entrance that they will use to edit the scenes together and produce the final film. (Lily Hieronymus )The costume design room underneath the stage is where each production’s costumes are made. The room contains sewing kits, measuring tapes, fabric, string and anything else designers need to make costumes. (Lily Hieronymus )Next to the costume design room, the green room is where cast members finalize their hair, makeup and costumes before a show. Costume changes also sometimes take place here during shows, and it functions as a sort of common area for involved students. (Lily Hieronymus )Due to the limited space backstage and large variety of props needed for theater productions, many storage closets underneath the stage are used to store props. The prop closet pictured above also stores materials for prop construction, like paint and drills. (Lily Hieronymus )
Other, non theater-related, areas around the school are used to store and manage a variety of maintenance-related things, such as water tanks and copy paper.
Located around the corner from the building and grounds offices, the loading dock elevator is used to access the basement and loading dock. Supply shipments can be brought in from the loading dock and transported downstairs through here. LEAF also uses this elevator to bring recycling bins downstairs to be picked up by recycling services. (Lily Hieronymus )The loading dock is used to bring in supply shipments, transport recycling and allow for bigger storage items to be easily brought in and out of the building. (Lily Hieronymus )The bulk of LHS’s copy paper is stored in the basement, as well as other common classroom supplies. Building and Grounds Director Chris Stancil expressed that while LHS normally uses an extremely large amount of paper each school year, significantly less has been used this year due to e-learning. (Lily Hieronymus )According to Mr. Stancil, in 2013, a flood caused this area of the basement to have close to 53 inches of standing water. LHS closed temporarily as a result, and some parts of the basement had to be redone. (Lily Hieronymus )The basement also contains several storage lockers with various supplies and maintenance tools. (Lily Hieronymus )LHS’s hot water supply is stored and maintained below the basement. Three main tanks that feed directly into the school’s pipelines have replaced the older, more complex system in which the water was moved to several locations before reaching the direct pipelines, according to Mr. Stancil. (Lily Hieronymus )Many air filters are in the process of being changed out in order to maintain good air quality and ventilation throughout the pandemic. The room pictured above is where the majority of the new filters are being stored. (Lily Hieronymus )Accessed by a staircase that leads through the building and grounds areas, the roof of LHS has been largely updated since the building’s original construction. The frontmost area pictured above was part of the original building plan, but the majority of the areas in the back were added on later, according to Mr. Stancil. (Lily Hieronymus )
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