The Performing Arts programs have provided many students with a community within the school. From dancing on stage to singing in a group, there are many unique experiences that students have the opportunity to participate in.
“It’s just a really great way to also get to know other people,” junior Eva Thomas said, who participates in orchestra, theater, dance and choir at the school.
The band program provides students with all sorts of opportunities. LHS offers two audition bands in the curriculum, Symphonic Winds and Wind Ensemble, and another band, Concert Band, where anyone can join, even without an audition. To showcase their talents and skills learned in each class, each band participates in four concerts.
“I love being able to work as a team to make something that’s bigger than we would be able to make on our own,” senior Dakota Olson said, a member of Wind Ensemble. “And concerts and performances are always fun because we get to show the hard work that we all put in together.”
Outside of school, students can join various ensembles, including Marching Band, Jazz Bands, and the Pit Orchestra for the musical. All of these groups meet after school and allow students to connect with people they would never have met otherwise.
“I love spending Friday nights playing [in the Marching Band] with my friends,” junior Caroline Guiard said, who has partaken in band, orchestra, dance, choir and theater throughout her high school years.
Additionally, being involved in the Marching Band here at LHS provides students with all sorts of travel opportunities. This ensemble has previously traveled to Disney World, London and Rome.
Similar to the Band program, the orchestra program has a variety of curricular ensembles one may choose to perform in. The highest level orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, requires an audition from all of their prospective members; however, without an audition, students can be placed in Concert and Symphony Orchestra, depending on grade level. “Walking into Orchestra always boosts my mood.”
In addition to the curricular orchestra, these groups are provided with the opportunity to travel across the world. In 2023, this group traveled to France. This year, they have plans to visit and play in Germany and Czech Republic.
Theater includes two in-school classes, Theater Workshop and Acting Studio.
“[In Theater Workshop,] you play a lot of games, and you just get exposed to the beginnings of what theater is,” Thomas said, who took this class as a sophomore. “You learn about what it means to be an actor, but you also learn improv. You also learn how to do object work in theater.”
Extracurricular theater also involves a variety of plays put on each year, a musical and three other plays. Currently, these students are working on the musical “The Little Mermaid,” featuring senior Wren Frey as Ariel.
“I make so many friends during musicals,” Frey said. “It’s always the most fun show of the year.”
However, it is not just the actors that make this play happen. There are many behind the scenes roles, such as the stage crew, who make the entire show possible.
“I set up rehearsal spaces, and I like take down blocking for actors that are missing,” junior Ava Graditor said, official stage manager for The Little Mermaid . “I also help directors with anything they might need, in general during rehearsals.
The curricular choir program offers every grade level a place in their room. Each student has the opportunity to participate in many concerts throughout the year.
“Choir is such a community, where you get to make beautiful music with people,” said Thomas.
Outside of school, there are four other extracurricular choirs, Acabellas, Master Singers, Cleftomaniacs and Treblemakers. In 2023, choir went to Portugal. This year, the choir is going to Sicily, Italy.
Another performing arts program that can be found in the PE is the Dance program. Sophomores, juniors and seniors can take a curricular dance class for PE credit. Dance I is available to anyone, regardless of any previous dance experience. This makes dance very accessible to all students of all levels.
On the extracurricular side, every year, the school hosts an Orchesis show, which is able to feature any dancer and choreographer at our school. This show takes place towards the end of the year. Students spend all year preparing and choreographing their dances.
Additionally, the school has a poms team, which is coached by Ms. Casey Dugan.
Performing arts are a huge part of LHS. Whether it’s during the day or after school, anyone can be a part of something in the Performing Arts program, due to a variety of options and opportunities. Every skill level is welcome to participate in any program.
“I would encourage anybody to join the [Performing] Arts if they’re looking for something new to try,” said Thomas.