Each day, students head to the school cafeteria to eat their sandwiches, popcorn chicken and mozzarella sticks. Some, however, claim that there are more welcoming areas to eat than the stuffy cafeteria. From reliable options to lesser known , here are the ratings of popular places to eat lunch based on the criteria of ambiance, temperature, comfort and, of course, food accessibility. Bon appetit!

Cafeteria: ⅗
A lunch spot review would not be complete without the by far most popular option for students: the cafeteria. Even for people not eating in the cafeteria, it is often their first stop for food and drinks. Does it add up, though? Here are our thoughts:
Ambiance: ⅗
While it is a great place to talk with friends, the cafeteria is often too loud and crowded, so the ambiance can be less than optimal at times.
Temperature: ⅖
The cafeteria has been described by many as either too cold or too hot at all times. This constant state of being at an uncomfortable temperature docks the cafeteria a lot of potential points.
Comfort: ⅗
The thing that takes away from the cafeteria’s comfort is definitely the benches and the tables. With no back support, many are left uncomfortable by the cafeteria tables. Because of this one major drawback, the cafeteria gets a ⅗ for comfort.
Food Accessibility: 5/5
The one major advantage of the cafeteria is the fact that all the food is there. If students need to buy food for the day, the cafeteria is their best bet, even if they take that food to a different spot.

Cafeteria Courtyard: ⅘
This sunny, seasonal spot is the favorite of many students in the first and last months of the year. It is very unique due to it being outside, which can serve as an advantage and a drawback.
Ambiance: 4.5/5
The feel of this spot is very different from any other on this list. Here, you can feel the sun on your face and a comfortable breeze, and a much more tranquil environment than the adjacent cafeteria. If it’s a good day out, eating out there can be a very wonderful experience.
Temperature: ⅗
It goes without saying that the temperature in the courtyard can be very hit or miss when it comes to the weather. It can be too hot on a warm day, or in the case of most of the year, simply too cold or snowy to eat outside. This can put the courtyard out of commission for students for most of the year and loses this spot some valuable points.
Comfort: ⅘
The comfort compared to the benches in the cafeteria is much improved in this spot. Even though these benches are made of stone, they are still quite comfortable. Overall, very good.
Food accessibility: 5/5
The cafeteria is right next door, and it is very easy to get food from the courtyard. This makes eating lunch here just as efficient as eating in the cafeteria.
Courtyard Outside A-F LST
This spot, while similar to the cafeteria courtyard, is filled with grass, trees and less formal seating. This nature filled courtyard is a favorite among students in the summer, early fall and springtime.
Ambiance: 4.5/5
This courtyard is wholly unique from any other spot on this list, due to its natural elements. Eating at this spot can feel like an afternoon picnic on a good day similar to the cafeteria courtyard. If it’s the right day, the perfect ambiance can be found here.
Temperature: ⅗
In a similar fashion to the other courtyard on this list, this place is left out of commission for half the year due to bad weather. Because it is outside, the temperature can be very finicky, leaving this spot with a few points off in this category.
Comfort: ⅘
In a unique turn, the courtyard is home to a different form of seating than other spots, with a few outside benches and plenty of open space. The wooden benches can leave a little to be desired compared to the seating options of other spots on this list, but it is still quite a cozy spot in good weather.
Food Accessibility: ⅘
The cafeteria is right down the hall to the left of this spot, so it’s not a terribly long commute for people buying lunch to get to this spot. This isn’t a terrible delay, but could loose students some time if the lines are a bit longer in the lunchroom.

Due to the A-F LST being home to our beloved therapy dog, Wrigley, there isn’t as much seating, due to no food being allowed at some of the tables; however, many can be found outside the LST eating their lunches and socializing.
Ambiance: ⅘
In this location, you are surrounded by friends in conversation and socializing. If you love classic lunch room talks, this place has the same feel.
Temperature: 4.5/5
Even though it’s in the hallway, the temperature at this spot is almost perfect. Not too hot and not too cold, this place is close to hitting the right temp on the dot.
Comfort: ⅘
This spot provides chairs with better back support than the cafeteria benches, so it gains some extra points. Still, they are mostly plastic chairs that can also be found in classrooms, so it isn’t much more comfortable than the classes that students just came from.
Food accessibility: ⅘
Students have to stop at the cafeteria before stopping here if they want to get food from the school. However the cafeteria is right down the hall, so that rounds out the score for this spot to ⅘.

G-P LST: 4.5/5
Moving to our next LST, people can be found eating in the G-P LST most periods. Found in the main hallway, this spot is quaint, cozy and comfortable. How does it compare to the others, though?
Ambiance: 4.5/5
This spot brings a very unique and special ambiance compared to other spots. Compared to others, this spot is much quieter, but when walking in, soft music can be heard which elevates the space to a whole new mood.
Temperature: 5/5
This room is simply perfect when it comes to temperature. The just right feel of the room adds to the coziness and intimacy of this spot compared to other less comfortable spots. Overall, absolute perfection.
Comfort: 5/5
The great ambiance and the perfect temperature blend together to create just the right amount of comfort in this spot to eat lunch. The chairs are comfy and the variety of seats adds to this LST’s homey feel.
Food accessibility: ⅗
This spot isn’t terribly far from the cafeteria, but it can be a bit more of a hassle to get food than it is in other areas. This can result in a bit of a time delay to enjoy your lunch. This docks this spot just a few points, still leaving this spot with a great overall rating though.
Q-Z LST: 4/5
The last of the three LSTs, this spot is found just down the hallway from the cafeteria by the MASH. Walking in, there’s a bustle of conversation and comradery that’s found here, but how is it any better, and more importantly, is it the best?
Ambiance: 4.5/5
This space is home to lively conversation that can be found in the cafeteria, but on a smaller, more intimate level. This gives the spot more of a homey feel, but it can be a little full due to its lack of seating compared to the other LSTs.
Temperature: 5/5
Just like the G-P LST, there is something about this room that gives it the perfect temperature that’s not too hot and not too cold. It could be the size of the room that gives it a good temperature compared to the larger lunchroom, but whatever it is, it is simply perfection.
Comfort: 4.5/5
The comfort of the room is quite good. Similar to the G-P LST, the ambiance, the temperature and the cozy lighting all come together to create an amazing atmosphere. The only thing holding this spot back from a perfect rating is the fact that the seating is simply less comfortable than the other LSTs. Still, a very comfortable spot.
Food Accessibility: ⅗
This spot is the furthest from the cafeteria compared to all the other spots rated here, which docks it a couple of points. All things considered, it is a small delay to the lunchtime experience, but not a large disadvantage to this spot.

While the school is home to even more spots, such as the CRC, these are some of the most popular and best places to eat. While each spot has its pros and cons, all have an atmosphere that works for everyone. Students, whether they have third or sixth period lunch or anything in between, are sure to enjoy their lunches and socializing with friends, and these spaces are sure to elevate it.