The year is 2025, and yet many people are still unsure of what the true meaning of feminism is. In some cases, said people are not necessarily at fault. Ignorance has allowed for many misconceptions of a term that means no harm to any group or individual.
Furthermore, feminists have been fighting for complete equality of the sexes before the term was even created. This strive for equality is one that feminists want to see in all aspects: social, political, personal and in all environments.
As defined by Merriam-Webster, “feminism is the belief in and advocacy of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests.” Unfortunately, this is not the definition in many people’s minds due to many misconceptions.
The Reykjavík Index for Leadership, founded by Michelle Harrison, is an index used to measure the public’s perceptions of men and women in leadership roles. In an interview by Erin Spencer Sairam of “Forbes”, she states that Harrison points to the rise of many young men blaming feminism for the root of their problems.
The truth is that the natural definition of feminism is not meant to be harmful to any individual or group of people. It is simply not the root of young men’s problems. If living alongside women who desire equality is supposedly causing problems, then the world has never been more upside down. Feminism does not want to bring men down, it simply wants women to be able to meet men at the level that they have been at since the beginning of time.
Another common misconception is the general assumption that feminists are angry women who hate men. Although this might not be entirely false in every case, given that the desire for equal gender rights is still living and breathing, it is still a stereotype nonetheless, and it cannot be used to generalize any group of people.
The myth that feminists truly hate men has existed for a long time and has brought a negative shadow upon those who consider themselves to be feminists.
“People think that if you say ‘I’m a feminist,’ it means you think men should burn in hell and women should trample on their necks,” Harry Styles said in an interview with “Rolling Stone.” “No, you think women should be equal.”
Feminists are not only women. Empathetic and sympathetic people in the world desire equality, and long for an Earth that views everyone as equals, regardless of gender.
It is vital to fully understand the term before criticizing it. Misconceptions and stereotypes are so powerful, as they allow many people to form incorrect generalizations. In the case of feminism, this is absolutely prevalent. Incorrect generalizations can lead to poor stereotyping and negative ideas, which can have even more negative consequences, whether that be in the workplace, other public settings or even at home.
The term has taken twists and turns as there have been many different words under the umbrella of feminism, from first-wave feminism to modern feminism. When all is said and done, all feminists want equality, and for this to occur, they need to be heard and understood.
The importance of understanding the term can also lead to a deeper understanding of the desire for equality. Due to misconceptions, it might be difficult for some individuals to stand behind feminism; however, if misconceptions are disregarded, more people could be heard and understood. Feminists don’t want men to burn. Feminists are not only angry women.
Feminism is not at the root of men’s problems. However, it might be a good idea for the men who believe this to start investigating what’s causing their problems. Feminist are too busy fighting for equal rights; they do not have the time to be the root of their problems and change the world all at once!