Underclassmen Bucket List
Despite the notion that Libertyville is “boring” and there is “nothing to do,” if you think outside of the box, there is plenty of fun to be had here. Participation alone in school events can lead to meeting new friends and having a great time when you least expect it. Here is a list of activities that can be done throughout your four years of high school.
Brat Stop Challenge
How to: The Brat Stop, a bar that specializes in making brats in Kenosha, Wisconsin, is a trek that seniors have been attempting on their lunch release for years. It is about a 30-minute trip each way, so if you want to make it to class at a reasonable time, the food should be ordered for carry-out. It does require planning and good timing, though, if the Brat Stop Challenge is going to be a success. If the Brat Stop doesn’t sound challenging enough, make the trek out to Sonic in Palatine, in a less-well-known challenge that is equally rewarding
Become a superfan for one of the sports
How to: There are plenty of options here: you can follow the team that your friends play on or just follow a sport that interests you. Whether it is dressing up for games or helping the team out as manager, there are so many ways that you can give your support to LHS sports.
Go to an LHS / Carmel Hockey game
How to: The LHS and Carmel football rivalry is gone, but the hockey one is just getting started. This game always packs the Glacier Ice Arena, and you better come expecting fun chants and an exciting game.
How to: This will be something that you can take pictures of and make into an event. It is all part of your celebration of the dance, and something you can do with your friends and have fun with, so put your creativity to the test! There are always classy and “punny” ways to ask, but the ideas that go above and beyond will always be remembered and set the standard for future dances.
Senior Bucket List
While there are activities on this list that all grade levels can technically participate in, there are activities here that require several liberties. Being a senior means lunch release, as well as Prom, where although juniors are allowed to participate, tradition states that only couples including a senior are welcome.
How to: This is another LHS tradition that seniors have been doing for years, but it was altered this past year. The seniors this year took the targets off of the underclassmen’ backs and still started the year off on the right foot by having a great morning of bonding and fun with most of their classmates. If it can be done safely and kindly, it is certainly an event that you do not want to miss out on your first day of senior year.
How to: Some students will take the lead and make a list, and all you have to do is follow them. Every day doesn’t have to be all out (and it probably shouldn’t, because you will wear down), but a couple times, getting all dressed up as a grade will be fun. From Frat Day to Dunk Day, there is a good chance one of the days will be up your alley.
How to: Prom is a dance that is unlike any of the other dances in high school, and for most students, it can only be experienced once. There are awesome locations for Prom, such as the Spirit of Chicago on Lake Michigan, and the festivities the following day, such as renting a cabin or going to a lake house with your best friends, is something that nobody should miss.
How to: We aren’t condoning regular “mental health days” but being so close to the end of your high school career, it gives you the chance to truly experience Prom — because Ditch Day is the Monday following Prom — and spend time with some classmates that you may never get to spend time with again due to people going in different directions for college and life after college.