On Friday, Dec. 4 at the Cook Memorial Library in Libertyville, Mr. Andrew Thomson’s 3rd period class hosted a Super Smash Bros. tournament in order to raise money for their Wish family. Many people gathered at the library to play the popular game, Super Smash Bros.
At the event, $148 dollars was raised. Pizza and refreshments were sold for $1 each. Donations were not required but were encouraged. No entry fee was required.
The event was totally run by the students. Student Grant Wagner played a big role in participation. More than 40 kids participated in the event, and 32 people entered in the tournament.
Mr. Thomson said directly that “Grant Wagner headed it up and did all the organizing for it. He did an incredible job.”
Four systems were used that night, including the Wii U. Each system had a fairly large crowd watching the players play the game. People brought in their own gaming systems and controllers. Needless to say, there were more controllers than players.
The tournament was 1 vs. 1. Each participating member played against another player. For the sake of time, once a player lost one match, he or she was out of the tournament. This occurred until only two people remained. There were prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. The winners got special engraved Smash Bros. pens.