Photo courtesy of Zachary Ford
Zachary Ford
Q: What do you want people to know about you?
A: I’m currently a sophomore here at LHS. Other than Student Council, I take part in cross country, swimming and volleyball. Outside of school you can usually find me at Chipotle.
Q: Why are you running for Exec Board and what are your plans if you are voted on?
A: I’ve decided to run for Exec Board because I believe that I can use my ideas and leadership skills in order to better Student Council along with the rest of LHS. If elected, it is my hopes that I can put some of my ideas into effect. I’d like to see LHS form a long term partnership with a charitable organization. Funds from events like the Color Run and other fundraising and/or charitable events could be contributed to this organization. This way over a few years LHS will really be able to see a growing effect in which we had on this particular charity group. Furthermore, it is my hope that as an Exec Board member I would be able to represent my peers by voicing their opinion and thoughts through my role in Student Council.
Q: How long have you been a part of Student Council?
A: This is my first year being involved in Student Council.

One of Ford’s campaign posters. Click to enlarge.