“Americans will have a chance to vote for trade, immigration and foreign policies that put our citizens first. They will have the chance to reject today’s rule by the global elite, and to embrace real change that delivers a government of, by and for the people.”
Clinton vs Trump: Trump
Trump WILL Make America Great Again.
I know, you probably looked at the title and quickly skipped over it just because you saw the name “Trump.” I don’t blame you, as you have been indoctrinated by the media that he is a bad candidate with horrible ideas. Let me assure you, I have valid reasons for voting for a Trump presidency. Donald Trump is the change America needs.
A lot of Americans, including myself, are fed up with the “establishment” that is running our government and politics. No presidential candidate has ever run without prior governmental experience. Almost every presidential candidate in history would be considered career politicians, like Hillary Clinton, who have spent their whole life as a politician and most of the time never getting anything done that benefits all Americans.
Sure, Donald Trump has said some horrible statements, and most of the time I don’t agree with them, but behind those statements are slivers of truths. I am not a racist, bigot or a part of the “basket of deplorables” that others have called Trump supporters.
Immigration is an important part of the Trump campaign and is an important issue this current political season. With open borders, are we even a nation anymore?
According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), there are 11 million illegal immigrants in this country. Almost 74,000 of them are incarcerated or have a criminal record according to a 2015 prison population report by the Bureau of Judicial Statistics. I am sure that most undocumented immigrants from Mexico are wonderful and hard-working individuals that just want a new start on life, but the border needs to be dealt with. Our sovereignty is important.
On the note of immigrants, it makes my head spin to see the atrocities that are occurring in a war-torn Syria. Those displaced people deserve a right to live a normal life…but that doesn’t mean many can come flooding into America unvetted. The risk of having a few, or even one, of these refugees being a terrorist is too high and could spell danger for our security and well-being as a nation.
Just as important as immigration, the economy is also key to our country and with Donald Trump as president, more jobs will be coming back for Americans to take.
Trade deals that have hurt our economy, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) (which Clinton supports), are deals that Trump will axe. TPP and NAFTA have allowed American companies to ship their jobs overseas because of cheaper labor costs. According to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), from NAFTA’s installation in 1994 to 2004, one million jobs were lost. With a Trump presidency, more Americans will be employed and more jobs will come back. In turn, the economy will grow and the shrinking middle class will start to expand again.
The elite, career politicians, like Hillary Clinton, have done nothing to help the American people and have only helped themselves. It is a priority to change the direction America is going in, and despite the comments Trump makes, his ideas are what matter most. It is time, as filmmaker Michael Moore put it, to throw in “a human molotov cocktail” into the structure of the elite’s government and see how they deal with it. Change is needed. Whether it will be good or bad remains to be seen.